Tobias Hauth 应用

Shopping List 1.3.18
Tobias Hauth
Manage your shopping list on the phone usingthis application. You can add products to your list manually or byscanning the barcode. In the store you can process your shoppinglist by one click. Over time you build up a shopping history whichhelps you to plan your next shopping tour.
Toddler Vocabulary 2.0
Tobias Hauth
Let your toddler learn some words by clickingon the right image. It will be fun for them.This application uses text to speech output. It's up to the userto configure the phone which text to speech voice to use. You caninstall third party voices like Ivona( orsearch for text to speech in Google Play Store.
Pop Letters 1.1
Tobias Hauth
Learn you child to recognize letters in a funway. A target letter is defined and your child has to pop all lowerand upper case letters of this kind. Does it miss one or popsanother letter, the game starts over.
Personal Library 1.1.11
Tobias Hauth
Make your personal personalcollectionsearchable using Google Book Search.
Sudoku 1.1.2
Tobias Hauth
You like to solve Sudoku? Thisapplicationgenerates Sudoku games in three different difficultylevels so thatyou can solve as many as you like.
Dish Picker 1.0.10
Tobias Hauth
You want to cook something nice for dinnerbutyou are not sure what? Ask the dish picker applicationforsuggestions. Add your favorite dishes and you get them suggestedbyclicking.
Vocabulary Trainer 1.2
Tobias Hauth
Improve your vocabulary of a foreignlanguage.Whenever you stumble about a vocabulary you don't know intheforeign language, you look it up, add it to your vocabularylist.And when you have some time you can go through the listandpractice them.
Remind Me 1.0.12
Tobias Hauth
Did you ever miss to bring something fromhomefor your friend? Than this is the application for you.Setreminders based on date or location and get a notification assoonas they trigger.